Friends Events

Dates for your diary …
Friends Events 2024

Saturday 18th May at 2pm
Gruffalo Hunt in the grounds of St Mary’s church, suitable for children 3 to 7 years.
There will be a reading of Julia Donaldson's story of the Gruffalo followed by a
treasure hunt, mask making and a picnic of a sausage roll or a cheese and onion roll
(in pastry), carrot and cucumber sticks, a fairy cake and squash. (Children could bring
a sandwich of their own if so wished). Each child will bring home a small gift.
£4.00 per child. All children must be accompanied by an adult.
Also - tea and cake served £3.00
Booking essential for one or both events:
Rita Bateson 01895 822697 / 07984 382527

Sunday 7th July - BBQ in the Church grounds following the morning service.
This is open to everybody and no charge is made. However, donation boxes
will be strategically placed. Just bring your own drink.

Saturday 7th September - day coach trip to Eastbourne

Saturday 7th December - day coach trip to the Christmas Market at Bath.
Both these day trips are priced at £21 per person.
They are very popular and become booked up early.

Contact Fred & Rita Bateson to book/further details: 01895 822697
There are also ‘sign up’ sheets in the foyer at St Mary’s Church